New Adventure, New Me!

Viure Lliure embarks on this new chapter that begins…around the world! 

In August of last year, a client who felt a special magic in the massages I offered invited me to spend a week in Switzerland at a retreat he was organizing in a family house with good people, good food, a dream-like place high up in the mountains.

It was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life, sharing, enjoying, and also, offering massages. It was so wonderful to realize how through what I offer, I can live experiences as significant as that, where a complete stranger gifted me with the most beautiful moment of my life.

And as I gazed upon the immensity of nature before me, the grandeur of those mountains, the silence that accompanied them, and the sense of fulfillment it became clear to me. This is what I desire in life, to explore the world and offer what I love doing wherever I may be.

Because that day, I expressed gratitude for the abundance that surrounded me in every sense, and I thanked that person who, unknowingly, showed me the path I wished to take.

That is the essence of Viure Lliure. Remembering who we are, what we have come to offer the world, and enjoying the process. Feeling free and having full confidence in our intuition to guide us. When the body, mind, and spirit are aligned, the choices we make, from infinite possibilities, will be the appropriate ones in each moment.

Today, the adventure begins. Bahamas is waiting for me!

“Regardless of their origin, all emotions are produced within a single setting: the body”

Free the body

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